Hunting with Network Signatures in Defender and Sentinel

Feb 23, 2023


In late November, the Defender log schema in Sentinel were updated to include a new entry in the ‘ActionType’ category — Network signature inspected.

| where ActionType == ‘NetworkSignatureInspected’

By filtering these events further, we can derive the specific signature name of the protocol that was inspected by Defender.

| where ActionType == ‘NetworkSignatureInspected’
| extend SignatureName_ = tostring(AdditionalFields.SignatureName)
| summarize count() by SignatureName_

I haven’t seen much publicised about this change, and I suspect this enhanced logging is resultant of the recent integration with Zeek. These events are a solid lead when conducting threat hunts, but of course be wary of the pitfalls of Defender logging and the heavy sampling Microsoft do (these are no replacement for Firewall events!).




Written by Rcegan

Security Engineer with a focus on Microsoft Sentinel, the Defender stack, and a bit of Splunk. Opinions are my own. Hack the planet.

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