Don’t blow up Prod with Process Events

Oct 17, 2023


Had a slightly eye-opening experience recently around logging process creation events, Event ID 4688. In particular, the Detailed Tracking command line component (This is mostly a vent and I’m not offering anything new or particularly intelligent).

It’s really easy in 2023 to assume an environment with a modern(ish) fleet of servers and performance that enabling 4688 and detailed tracking is an exercise in checking boxes for easy endpoint visibility in your SIEM. But, turns out, if you have:
- A larger-by-default event log size (A good thing!)
- You’re keeping exhausted event logs on disk for an extended period of time (also a good thing!)
- You turn on PowerShell transcription and Script Block Logging at the same time (a very good thing!)

You have a non-zero chance of creating some real headaches for the IT Operations team. Disks




Written by Rcegan

Security Engineer with a focus on Microsoft Sentinel, the Defender stack, and a bit of Splunk. Opinions are my own. Hack the planet.

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